Tuesday 23 March 2010

YES.... I am still alive.... lol....

Gosh I so cannot believe how the time is flying by just now... only another week to go and we'll be into April... clocks change this weekend... and no doubt that means another few grey hairs & wrinkles for me... lol
Anyway, got rather a lot to schedule with Mr Blogger so there will be new postings on my blog even during my absence so please do check back daily.
Well today, the day that I should have been spending packing... not a single thing even ironed yet to go into the old case as the Sky engineer was out this afternoon to install our HD and the old box was being moved into my office. Now if you had seen the state of my room you would understand better but it was far too embarrassing to share I'm afraid... anyway, spent the whole day trying to sort the mess out... not completely there yet but acceptable enough until I return so I can be content with that for the moment.

My wee tv to watch whilst working

How wonderful I can now tape programs upstairs as well as downstairs.. yippee.

Well best bid you all good night now... get on with scheduling all my postings then pull out the dreaded ironing board and get the case packed ready for the off tomorrow.

For anyone coming to the NEC... I'm so looking forward to meeting you all.

Will miss you all loads but hope you enjoy what I've scheduled. Back again in person next Monday...

Toodles for now

Lorraine xxx


  1. You lucky thing, have fun at the NEC, I am really hoping to get there on Sunday - just got to see if my buddy Faye is up to coming too xx

  2. ill be there hun..soo cant wait.
    so until saturday..have fun hugs clare xx

  3. have a great one...see ya Saturday...big hugs kath xxxx

  4. Hi Lorraine,

    Have fun at the NEC ...wish I could be there, but it just a little bit to far for me.
    (I live in Belgium)

    Peggy xx

  5. Have a great time at the NEC, I was going but now not able to. Boo hoo.
    Kim xXx
