Wednesday 24 March 2010

Incorporating Tim Holtz.....

Hopefully Mr Blogger has been kind and started to show you my scheduled postings... fingers crossed as not a lot I can do if he fails me... lol
Heaven forbid I had left without having a wee play with some goodies inspired by the wonderfully talented Mr Tim Holtz...
Used my Ink Blending Tool which Kath very kindly educated me on.. (thank you darling) to create my coloured background... if you haven't tried this tool... it's amazing and this background is my first attempt to goes to show how easy it is. Next up I attacked some chipboard with distress crackle paint & when dry I went over that with some distress ink to fill the crackes & distressed stickles for a little bit of sparkle. Attached to some card to mount to base card... added some papers, Prima flowers and sentiment from Craftwork Cards.
Can't wait to actually have some proper time to play with this stuff and see the true extent of what I can create.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Great card Lorraine. Wish I could find time to play with my Tim Holtz stuff I got from QVC.

    Kat xx

  2. Wow if this is a first atempt then I can't wait to see wahts next.Love that background it looks lovely with the beautiful papers and your chipboards. Hope your having a great time.
    Kim xXx
