Tuesday 17 November 2009

Hello again.....

Yes I know... I disappeared off the face of the earth again.... sorry about that but last week could have been a much better week than it turned out to be.
My pneumonia hasn't cleared... so back on another course of anti-biotics & as I am typing this... every time I breathe in... all I can feel is like bubbles in my lung.... I have to get another xray carried out on Friday to see how much fluid is still lying in my lungs, so I am hoping that it has gone down considerably. Then I have to attend the doctors 10 days after that to get my lung checked again & see what the result of the xray is... Fingers crossed that I get the all clear then as I was so disappointed last week to be told that it hadn't cleared.

In addition to that, Rob's medication has been changed & is not working properly so we need to get him back to the docs to see what can be done... he is back to being up half the night again so not a lot of sleep being obtained in this house at the moment & I had a fight with the hospital over his appointment with the specialist... wait for this... they changed his medication in June & she wanted to review him in 3 months to ensure it was working (which it's not) but the earliest appointment they had was October... ok it's only an extra month.... well that appointment was cancelled & changed to December... hmmmmm.... ok try & go with the flow as these things sometimes happen.... well low & behold we received another letter cancelling this appointment & putting him back to March.... I don't think so!!!!! On the phone I went & did I throw a wobbler or did I throw a wobbler.... believe it or not... all these appointments are being cancelled due to the specialist being on annual leave.... how lucky is she to be able to holiday every 2-3 months during a credit crunch!!! Not my problem I said & as far as I was concerned this was now turning into a case of patient neglect.... well.... the outcome is that he now has an appointment in January.... so we shall just have to wait & see what happens.
The nice thing that did happen though was that the lovely Kat presented me with this award.

Apparently I have to answer the following list of questions... so here goes
1. Where is your cell phone? Right in front of me on the desk
2. Your hair? Dyed & will be from now on... used to be mousy brown but now a lot of grey...
3. Your mother? Probably munching on breakfast at present
4. Your father? Heaven as of May 1997
5. Your favourite food? Chicken Satay (must be Cantonese style though)
6. Your dream last night? Wasn't asleep long enough to dream
7. Your favourite drink? Coffee
8. Your dream/goal? To obtain a degree in Psychology & help others to find happiness
9. What room are you in? Craft
10. Your hobby? Crafting
11. Your fear? Spiders
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Living a happy, healthy life with my loved ones around me
13. Where were you last night? Sat on the sofa studying
14. Something that you aren't? Liar
15. Muffins? Only when the mood takes me
16. Wish list items? Health & happiness.... as they say... the best things in life are free
17. Where did you grow up? Same place as I live now
18. Last thing you did? Poured a coffee
19. What are you wearing? Still in pj's
20. Your tv? Living room & one in craft room but it's hardly ever on
21. Your pets? 1 cat, 1 guinea pig, 2 mini hamsters & 7 rescue rabbits
22. Your friends? True to me as I don't like pretend mates....
23. Your life? Well I could do with the credit crunch disappearing quickly & some really good health for both my hubby & myself....
24. Your mood? Always strive to be optomistic
25. Missing somone? My dad & brother every day... both deceased
26. Vehicle? "Aggie" the Aygo... shame she's not as clean as Aggie McKenzie though... lol
27. Something you're not wearing? Underwear.... not yet anyway....
28. Your favourite store? Craft wise it would have to be the Markingworld (Sakura) warehouse where I get to rummage to my hearts content... as for clothes... hmmmm.... toss up between Jane Norman & Zara....
29. Your favourite colour? Red... always sure to brighten a dark day
30. When was the last time you laughed? Last night watching tv
31. Last time you cried? When I got told I had pneumonia... the pain was so so bad
32. Your best friend? Like a sister to me
33. One place I go to over and over? The flaming supermarket!!!!
34. Facebook? Not enough time in my day...
35. Favourite place to eat? My local Cantonese restaurant
Golly gosh.... felt like I was never going to reach the end of that list... well I know I'm supposed to pass it on but most people probably have it by now seeing as I'm running so far behind... thus I will not list anyone by name but... please feel free to lift the award for your own blog if you've not already got it.
Okay.... time to get my bum in gear... shower, dress & on with the day ahead... hopefully I will get back later with a little something that I've already made a start on.... please keep fingers crossed for me... lol
Missing you all heaps & as soon as time & health allows I will be popping over to your blogs for a visit.
Happy crafting


  1. Hi Lorraine, sorry to hear you're still not well. Hope the antibiotics start working and you feel better soon. What a carry on you've had with the hospital about Rob's appointments. It's really dreadful the way they treat people. You would think there would always be someone to see people wouldn't you? Thanks for taking the time to leave lovely comments on my blog.Can't wait to get down to Crieff on Saturday to see Oliver and Poppy. Oliver was less than a day old when we saw him so he will be quite different already. Take care now and keep getting better.

    Kat xx

  2. Me again! Forgot to say good luck with the studying, I know what it's like. I studied for 6 years with the OU for a BSc. Sometimes it can be hard work.

    Kat xx
