Saturday 7 November 2009


A very good morning to all you lovelies out there in blogland... hope your weather is a bit like mine today... yes there may well be a nip in the air but at least there is a little sun shining through which is helping to make the house so nice, light & bright, never mind heating it all up... oh I so love days like this.
Well I didn't manage to make anything last night as I decided to try & get the old brain cells functioning again... it's been very difficult to concentrate this week so I hadn't managed to get any studying done... alas... last night I managed to screw the old brain back in place a little & squeezed in a few hours with the old Psychology study... don't want to fall behind... especially when the course has just started.
It may well have done me the world of good too as I've just had the best nights sleep... even though I was sat upright... believe it or not... I managed to get about 6 hours all in... amazing!!!
Just been online & put through my weekly shopping order to Tesco... I used this system last week as I'm locked in the house.... and boy was it fabulous. Delivery driver brought it straight into the kitchen, helped Rob to unpack it & even took away my old carrier bags... what a first class service they provide.
I'm also hoping that Mr Postie may arrive today as I placed an order with QVC during the week & it was dispatched yesterday... wishful thinking I'm sure as it probably won't arrive until Monday... but hey ho I can only live in hope for today...
Well I guess it's time to sign off now... get cleaned up & see what my old brain can come up with on the card front today... I also have a sympathy card to make... hard enough at the best of times but when there is no mojo in play... it will probably take me all day to come up with a design for this one...
Back to see you all again a little later
Happy crafting


  1. Hope your feeling better mwah. Are you enjoying the OU course?

  2. Hi Lorraine, yes it was a gorgeous day up here in Aberdeenshire too. Been to a crop at my local craft shop today. Unfortunately I was at the theatre yesterday evening so I had not put any stuff together so ended up taking too much stuff and faffing around. Did some stuff but not what I could have. Doesn't help that my daughter was going into Ninewells this afternoon as her baby is now 11 days late!!

    Kat x

  3. Hi Lorraine, can't believe we are having a lovely day again today. 2 days in a row. Hope you are having the same. I've left something for you on my blog.

    Kat xx
