Saturday 31 October 2009

A wee update

Hi folks just a brief note to let you know that my meds are kicking in well & there is some improvement to be seen in me... nothing drastic but at least I'm heading in the right direction.
Thank you so much for your lovely comments & emails... they are much appreciated & have helped cheer me up over the last few days.
Just keeping fingers crossed that I will be back to normal soon.
Happy spooky Halloween.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Sending hugs Lorraine, you take care now. Happy Halloween.

  2. You take care Lorraine x x hope you're feeling 100% better soon ,,, x x
    Lols x x x

  3. I'm glad you're feeling better Lorraine even if it is only a wee bit. Take care.

    Kat xx

  4. keep that smile and keep taking the tablets rest and be a good girl...well soon have you on the mend..but it takes time to shift....get well wishes hugs sassyx

  5. Oh my goodness! I've just caught up with your woes! My gosh, woman, you don't do things by halves, do you?

    Hope you get better and fighting fit again very soon.

    Big hugs,
    Chris xx

  6. Hiya Lorraine so sorry to hear your poorly i do hope you recover quickly now you have your meds.
    Trish (-:

  7. Sorry to see you are not well Lorraine, hope the meds keep working in the right direction and you make a full recovery soon. Don't push youself too early (I know it's hard when you love to be so active and craft) but with pneumonia you can relapse too easily, take your time and have plenty of rest.
    Kim xXx
