Thursday 29 October 2009


Well you know if it weren't for my bad luck, I've have no luck at all... here's a prime example...
Apparently the back pain appearing when Smithy jumped on me was nothing more than a coincidence...
Well I've been to the doctors & hospital this week for some chest x-rays & am now on a pile of heavy medication.... doctors diagnosis... are you ready for it... I've got PNEUMONIA !!!!
Needless to say I am doped up most of the time with anti-biotics & pain killers whilst I must rest as much as possible to assist my recovery.... I am not allowed to lie down for a minimum of 2 weeks so sleeping has to be done in an upright position (which is not very comfortable may I add) and hopefully once the medication gets into my system at least the coughing & pain will ease up a little.
Hence, I will try to pop on & off when I can but if I'm missing for a few days then you know why.
Right I'm off to take some more yummy tablets now & hope you all have a great day.


  1. oh hunnie, hope you are feeling better soon :)

  2. Oh my goodness. You must take it easy Lorraine and get better soon.
    Hugs, Clare x

  3. Hi Lorraine, what a terrible time you've had!! Wondered why I didn't see you on Sunday. Hope you feel better soon.

    Kat xx

  4. Oh Lorraine ,, I am sorry to hear you're not well ,,, you take care and look after yourself ,,, rent some DVD's and just watch TV ,,, Hope you feel better soon x x

    sending big but gentle hugs x x x
    Lols x x x

  5. Take it easy & hope you're feeling better soon

    Jan x

  6. Oh my goodnes Lorraine sending gentle hugs honey. you be following doctors orders now and rest, mwah.

  7. oh Lorraine that is not good - poor you.

    Do look after yourself and get better soon.
    Big hugs coming your way.

    Ann xxx

  8. Not good news! I hope you make a quick recovery.


    Carol Ann x

  9. awwwwwwwwwwwww Lorraine, not good news
    Look after yourself
    Anne x

  10. Ah Lorraine you poor soul, I knew there was something not right with you last week but you said it was the coffee. Hope you get better soon mate and try and take it easy Pleaseeeeee.

    Karen xoxo

  11. Maybe Smithy helped by getting you to the doctors!
    You poor thing, I hope that the medication gets to work very soon.

    Cazzy x
