Wednesday 7 October 2009

Under the Weather I am....

Well I haven't managed to upload anything today, nor do I have anything ready... felt a bit poorly as the day went on yesterday... crap by last night... hardly got a wink of sleep during the night... and have spent most of today curled up on the sofa...
One of my friends had popped in last night before she went on holiday & said that funnily enough her husband wasn't great last week for a few days but nothing really came of it & he soon recovered... must just be something to do with the change in the air or something...
Well... I am going to tidy up a little as nothing has been done today & Rob is buying me a chinese tonight to help make me feel better... after that if I feel up to it I'll tackle a card or two...
In the meantime... happy crafting

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lorraine so sorry to hear your feeling poorly i do hope you feel better soon.
    Take care
    Trish (-:
