Thursday 8 October 2009

A little better today

Just a quick note to say I am feeling a little better today... had a really good sleep last night which I think helped quite a bit..
Today I've had the gas man in capping off my gas fire & also had to get the toilet repaired as part of the flush system had broken so you had to pump the handle... shocking... but it's all mended now thankfully.
Not sure if I'll get anything made tonight as I may have to head back to the office with Rob after dinner as he has an audit with the FSA next week so massive amounts of work to be done in preperation for that. He may however just go in mega early in the morning..
Well just got a text from him to say he's heading home now for dinner so best dash & get that sorted for him arriving.
See ya all soon


  1. snuggle up and keep warm Lorriane, forget the audit lol
    Anne x

  2. I'm glad you are feeling better Lorraine. It sounded nasty.

    Cazzy x

  3. Glad you are feeling better.
