Monday 14 September 2009

What a boy.....

Now how the dickens am I supposed to work on the computer when this is the sight that is sat next to me... big old lazy boy that he is....
Would you believe that this is the norm for him when I am working on the computer. Likes to make sure that he doesn't miss out on anything I think.
It really was just too adorable a pic not to share with you all.
I know I said that I planned to do my Penny Black card at some point yesterday but I never quite got around to it... unfortunately I heard some very sad news yesterday that really did shake me up a bit. There is a lovely craft shop that I visit where I am always made very welcome & treated to my coffee & biscuits etc... the girl who owns it is younger than I am & has a lovely little girl too... well would you believe that yesterday I heard the devastating news that she has just lost her husband. Well there are no words I can find to say to this poor lass as it still hasn't quite sunk into me yet & I can only imagine how the family must be feeling at the moment... Even worse now is that I have to do a sympathy card for her... my heart really does go out to them & I can only hope & pray that she finds the strength to come out the other side of this tragedy supported by her friends & family.
This will not be a card I will be posting on my blog so I will try & catch the PB challenge later today. Why not make a point today of taking just a minute or two to sit & reflect on just how good our life really is... yes we may be in the middle of a credit crunch etc but in comparison to some people's lives.. our's is but a breeze.


  1. so sorry to hear the bad news. I am sure with support of family and friends she will come out on top.
    Your cat is adorable.

  2. you are one smart kitty you to know that Mum needs supervising when she's sorry to hear about your friend....what a tragedy....big hugs kath xxxxx

  3. Awwwwwww your cat is just adorable!!!

    so very sorry to hear about your friend.x

  4. Awful news about your friend's bereavement. Lend her your cute kitty. He's bound to bring her some comfort. How could he fail to with a soft face like that?!

    Chris xx
