Sunday 13 September 2009

The Sugar Bowl Challenge

Now I did tell you all on Thursday night that I was off to sit down & do some stamping & colouring in... well I was true with my saying... that's exactly what I done... so why has it taken so long to upload a card.. well.... the weather has been so wonderfully gorgeous that I've had problems keeping my bum in the house... lol
Oh yes... I've been up in the morning... washing on, housework done... all the crap daily household duties that us poor ladies have bestowed upon us... then as soon as is possible my bum has been outside in the garden... well this may be the last bout of sunshine we have this year.. never quite know do we.. so I'm making sure that I'm getting the garden under control before Autumn creeps in.
Must admit right enough that yesterday we did do a few household requirements like hang a new curtain rail to replace the one that fell out of the wall... new houses... never again... it has taken us a while to find a lightweight one that we feel will hold but to be on the safe side we have now added a piece of wooden beam... the way it used to be done... and the curtain pole will be attached to this. In addition to that we had to replace the shower head & hose as we had developed a bit of a loose spray that was going right over the top of the shower cubicle. Lol...
Anyhow... last night I finally kept my bum in place long enough to start using my complete images to make a start on my challenge cards...
First up is The Sugar Bowl.
We have a lovely sketch to work with & the added extra is the colours pink & brown.
I decided to use my "MacBeth" stamp as he is just adorable & perfect for the colour combo... little old him is brown & I gave him a lovely pink plant pot & flower. Seeing as his flower has a green stem I also threw in a green Prima flower for a little added colour.
Image was coloured using Bruynzeel Water Colours.
Image : MacBeth
Papers : Efco (bought from Ashby Designs)
Card Candy : Craftwork Cards
Prima Flowers : All good craft shops
Self adhesive ribbon from stash
Well... it's time to get my bum back downstairs now... next load of washing is ready to be hung out to dry & oh... not sure if I smell a BBQ firing up for dinner tonight...Lol
Hope you are all having as good a weekend as I am & with any luck I will manage to make another little card later... hmmm me thinks that Penny Black will be next on the list.
Happy crafting


  1. Aww lovely card Lorraine & glad you're having some good weather - let's hope it lasts!

    Jan xx

  2. Very pretty card :)

  3. gorgeous card!

  4. Lovely card and I don't blame you one bit for spending time outdoors. Soon enough we will have to stay inside.

  5. very pretty Lorriane
    Anne x

  6. Lovely card Lorraine! Love the pinks and browns you used. MacBeth is just darling! Thanks for joining the SB challenge and hope to see you in the next one too! Have a great day!

  7. so gorgeous!! Love the background paper you have used! really sweet card!!
