Tuesday 1 September 2009

Gosh where does time go....

I so can't believe that it's almost mid week again. Rob was off work yesterday so off we toddled to Ikea to get a few bits & bobs... albeit we were there for a few hours... must have my coffee & cake you know... LOL....
Well I've been catching up all day with housework... am I the only one who's house becomes a dump when the hubby is at home for a few days... had to do some shopping etc but the good news is I have managed to make a start on some challenge cards... at the moment I'm working on one for Penny Black & Cute Daisy May.... need to check out the Sugar Bowl too as I can't remember if the new challenge is due out this week & if so then I'll try & catch that on Thursday.
Best sign off now if I'm to stand any chance of finishing these challenge cards eh...
Look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
Happy crafting one & all...

1 comment:

  1. Ikea is lethal Lotrriane but I love it lol
    Hope you didn't spend to much
