Sunday 30 August 2009

Hob nobbing with actors....

Well yesterday turned out to be an absolutely superb day...
Once tarted up a bit with the glad rags on... off we toddled to Glasgow's West End to attend the painting exhibition of Kirsty Wither... so lovely to see all her latest works hung in the gallery & to meet up with her again.
Kirsty is a very talented artist & on her website there is also the opportunity to purchase prints some of which are limited editions & signed by the artist herself.
Now who all remembers "Take the High Road"???
What many will not know is that Kirsty is married to Robin Cameron who played Eddie Ramsey in the show... Oh yes... the tall dark handsome one we all loved until he turned ever so nasty with Sheila.... LOL...
Needless to say Robin was in attendance at the exhibition also so more catching up there..
Does anyone watch Rivercity????
To this I must confess that I don't & boy did it turn on me yesterday..
After the exhibition closed we all toddled up the street for some refreshments... (I was on good old coffee as I was driving)... and whilst sitting having a natter with 2 chaps who had also attended the exhibition, we got onto the career subject as you do... well it turned out they were both actors...
We were infact chatting with Tony Kearney & Jim Webster who both star in Rivercity... now how embarassing was that... especially as I only live a few miles up the road & yet didn't recognise any of them.
Huge apologies to both guys who were nothing less than delightful & very interesting to talk to.... they were also telling me that they have just completed a documentary which will be shown on BBC 2 in a few months time on Muscular Dystrophy... hopefully this will help raise awareness of what sufferers & their carers have to deal with on a daily basis.
Oh yes... what a lovely day it was & to think I was hob nobbing it with
Back to reality with a bump needless to say so guess I better get some housework done, supermarket shop, cleaning of bunny cages, step daughter is visiting tonight & I want to try & squeeze a little card in if possible...
See you all soon.


  1. Ohhh Tom Kearney is so cute. I love River City. (An I sad?!?!?!? For that admission) I like it even more now as my friends Big Brother is in it and he is lush!! Ewan Stewart.
    Gosh Blast from the Past Eddie Ramsey oh he was so bad to Sheila. Memories! LOL
    Just having a wee blog hop as haven't been on much lately, hope all is well with you, Love Hazelxoxo

  2. Wow - sounds like you had a great day, and hob nobbing with actors - now there is something that you don't do everyday eh!
    Just wanted to say hi :-) Sorry, I have been a very bad blogger.
    I just left a message for Kath to say how lovely the cards were in her Simply Cards and Papercraft article.
    I have just been looking through your slide, your cards are just fabulous.
    Look like you are very busy and I hope that you are keeping well. Love Georgie x

  3. Ooo get you! I have never heard of either of them, but they sound nice!

    Cazzy x
