Saturday 22 August 2009

Mr Postie arrived with....

Mr Postie arrived this morning with yuck... my bank statement.... will pretend I didn't see the balance on that one as it's not looking the healthiest this month.
My latest copy of Simply Cards & Papercraft.... can you believe I still haven't managed to read all of last month's yet.... best get the reading goggles on quick... LOL
Not one but two thank you cards... how special did that make me feel..... (I have a huge smile on my face right now...)

The one above I received from Helen (aka Chook) to thank me for her blog candy present... thank you honey, you really made my day today when I opened your gorgeous card.
Finally this fab card also arrived from a very special little girl called Danni. She is the neice of my friends who are adopting & she was up visiting last weekend. Due to the whole adoption news we never actually got any cards made but she did go home with a whole load of images to colour in & she sent me this to say thank you.... How sweet is that....
On the inside this is what she wrote:

To Lannie,
See you the next time I'm up and we will craft
Love Danni
Well I take it that's me told what's to happen on her next visit eh.... LOL

Hope you're all enjoying your weekend as much as I am.
Happy crafting


  1. What a beautiful card Lorriane.

    Hugs Riet.x

  2. Hi Lorraine,
    I have been incredibly lazy all day, hardly done a thing but now I am trying to clear out old magazines again!
    I haven't been sleeping so perhaps lazy is what I need.
    I got my SC&P today too, and I think the subs has run out, was going to let it go but this month is rather good......

    Tell the little girl the card is very good. Yours isn't bad either.

    Carol xx
