Saturday 22 August 2009


I've been such a bad blogger of late that I cannot believe I have received this award from not just 1 but 2 lovely bloggers. Thank you so much to Ann & Clare for keeping me in mind... very much appreciated girls.
Now there are rules attached to this one as follows:
1. Thank the person who presented this award.
2. Copy the logo & place it on your blog.
3. Link the person who nominated you for this blog.
4. Name 7 things about yourself that people may find interesting.
5. Nominate 7 Creative Bloggers.
6. Post links to the seven blogs you nominate.
7. Leave comments on all 7 blogs letting them know you have nominated them.
Okay well here goes... although I really don't think I have 7 things that people will be interested in knowing so I apologise in advance for the boring blah, blah, blah that follows.
1. I'm a big skinny drainpole of a person who is constantly trying to put on weight but so far have never managed to be successful (this includes drinking 2 litres of milk a day).
2. I was married to my first husband in 1993, he left for another woman in 1995 & then wouldn't give me a divorce until 1997. Have been with my wonderful current hubby since 1996, although we only married in 2005.
3. The two smallest rooms in my house were knocked into one to create my craft room.
4. I am very much a night time person & am well known to be crafting at 2am in the morning.
5. My house was built on previous wasteland so we have a lot of foxes around & I feel that I have taken their home & food from them so as way of apology every evening my foxes are fed. They have cooked sausage, biscuits & bread. With odd occassional chocolate too... LOL
6. Since leaving school I have worked as a dental nurse, practice manager, customer service advisor for BT, mortgage advisor & now I have the best job in the world... demonstrating.
7. I love nothing more than to see my friends achieving their goals in life.
Told you that would be boring didn't I.... why is it when you look at your life it never appears to be very interesting...
Right now I have to choose 7 people & we all know how hard that is so I will give it my best shot... but if you are reading this please feel free to take the award for yourself too...
1. Gayle - My trusty friend who has been with me through thick & thin this last year.
2. Kath - Always has something to make me laugh & I'm so looking forward to October when we get to demo together at the SECC.
3. Bev - well who doesn't love her creations... so inspiring & she always make it seem so simple.
4. Terrie B - A woman full of suprises & you never know what to expect when you pop by for a visit, always coming up with new ideas.
5. Christine - Yet another fantastic designer who's work never fails to amaze & inspire me...
6. Kim - Another wonderful designer whom I love to visit for inspiration.
7. Cass - a wonderful lady, gorgeous creations & she has gained so much strength over the last year dealing with personal matters in her life. Hat off to you my lovely buddy.
Finally I'm finished now so best pop off & let everyone know I've given them this award... I do know that 1 lady in particular is going to curse me for this one... but I'm not naming names.. she knows who she is... LOL.
Happy crafting everyone


  1. Hi, Lorraine.. You are a sweetie! Thank you so much for this lovely award. (I have always loved this pretty damask one!)

    Well, have struggled through it, but have posted it on my blog.

    Hugs to you, sweets!
    Chris xx

  2. oh thanks so much for this award matey and yes I am looking forward to our time at the SECC...should be a Fiskars know what they are taking on....big hugs kath xxxxx
