Thursday 30 July 2009


My Mind's Eye

Firstly may I thank those who contacted me regarding Rob's flu...
It is definately not Swine Flu but it has been rather brutal on the poor old guy.. thankfully he is feeling a little better & has infact returned to work today. Fingers crossed he manages to make it through the day. Unfortunately this has left me running very much behind this week so chasing my tail a little at the moment.
Thought I would let you know though that I have this morning uploaded some new products on my ebay shop including some favourites from the My Mind's Eye & Smirk ranges.
Off now to do another bit & with any luck I will finally manage to get another card made... keep your fingers crossed for me.
Big hugs


  1. Hi Lorraine,
    I wish I'd ordered my MME paper from you - I'm still waiting for the pad I ordered elsewhere last week to arrive. I'll add you to my ebay favourites. Hope Rob is fully recovered soon.
    Clare x

  2. You're a wicked temptress, Lorraine Crafty Coo!! Before I knew it, I was putting my Paypal password in, and buying this scrumptious papaer! ;o)

    Glad to hear that Rob's getting better. Hope he hasn't gone back to work too quickly.

    Chris xx

  3. What a beautiful papers and stamps Lorriane.

    Hugs Riet.x
