Sunday 26 July 2009

Poor Hubby....

Sorry I haven't managed to get anything uploaded today folks... but my poor hubby is really under the weather with the flu.
It started getting real bad by mid afternoon yesterday & think it has peeked today so hopefully if he can get a good sleep tonight he will start to feel better tomorrow.
I did make him some really yummy spinach soup & would you believe he ate the full pot... that too should help a lot as it's full of good wholesome natural ingredients.
If things go ok later tonight then I may manage to get another card done ready for uploading tomorrow.
Hope you're all having a fab weekend & the weather has not been too wicked to you.
Happy crafting


  1. Hang in there! I hope he feels better asap!

  2. Hi Lorraine - sorry I have visited you in a while.

    Sure hope your poor hubby is starting to feel better real soon. Mind you with all the nourishment in that gorgeous soup you made him - he should be up and about soon. :)

