Sunday 10 May 2009

Crafting on a budget

Recently at a demo day I had a few ladies who expressed concerns over double sided paper/card and how they do not know what to do with it... they felt that they were always wasting money by covering up one side of the card...
Not the case I said to them... infact it can help to make very cheap cards.
I am now going to make some project sheets for the shop owner to put out in her shop and this is a card I have made for one of the projects.

Here I have used 2 sheets of 12 x 12 co-ordinating papers. The first I cut a square card from then using the second sheet I cut out some circles for the flowers & the butterfly. Back to the 1st paper for the next layer of the flower which were cut from scraps of the paper and detail on the butterly. I distressed the edges of the flowers & put a brad through the centre and attached to the card using silicone. The detail on the butterfly was attached using a Sakura quickie glue pen then I tied some ribbon around the centre to create the antenna. Finally I curled the wings on the butterfly & attached to the card using silicone.

Now if you made your cards 5 x 5 then you could get 4 cards from your 2 sheets of 12 x 12.

That's what I call crafting on a budget.



  1. this is love the colours of the papers ..great idea..and thanks for sharing hugs clare x

    hope your wellxxx

  2. What a gorgeous card Lorriane.l love the colour.

    Hugs Riet.x

  3. Hi Lorraine, love this card - great colours and great tip for crafting on a budget. :)
    Hope your leg is better today and enjoy your QVC goodies. :)


  4. Fabulous card and fantastic idea
