Monday 11 May 2009

12 Years Ago

This is a little posting in memory of my dearly loved father who passed away under tragic circumstances 12 years ago today.
Like most father daughter relationships we were the light of each other's lifes and the day that I lost him I truly felt that my heart had been ripped out. It took me several years to come to terms with his passing but I completely understand now & instead of crying on his anniversary like I used to, I pop on down to the cemetary with my flowers and have a good old catch up natter with him.
I'd much rather he be at peace where he is than living a life of misery here on earth.
Now I will share with you the words that I wrote for his obituary..
You brought me into this world dear Dad
And taught me how to grow
You taught me how to walk & talk
But now you've had to go
Still like a star you shine so bright
Within my heart & mind
Until we meet again dear Dad
Goodnight, I love you so
Now that's a verse that I haven't shared with anyone for 12 years now, so it just goes to show how special you all are to me.
Thank you all for being my friends.
Extra special hugs


  1. (((((BIG HUG)))))) Hope you have an ok day. The verse is lovely, really precious.Thanks for sharing it with us, Hazelxox

  2. Hi Sweetie..
    You're in my thoughts today!
    Today is also my sisters birthday, we'll raise a glass to you and your Dad!
    Much luvs...
    G x

  3. Beautiful words,it's dos'nt really get easier does Dad went 19yrs. ago last week and it still gets me,but the memories are so precious,hugs Janette.x

  4. Hi Lorraine, extra special hugs to you too especially today hunny, thankyou for sharing your beautiful words with us.

  5. Aww Lorraine, that's made me go all goosebumpy, thank you for sharin. I'm glad you can now remember him in a happier way even though I'm sure you'll never stop missing him. I lost my mum a long time ago, but still think of her & miss her every day.

    lots of love & hugs

    Jan xx

  6. what lovely words Lorraine you've made me cry woman!!!! I lost my dad over 8 years ago (he missed seeing the new millenium by a week) and I am the same as you it took a long time to come to terms with it, but am now in a place where I can think of him without crying :o)

    hope your day is filled with lovely thoughts of ur dad


    Amanda xxx

  7. Huge hugs Lorraine.

  8. A really lovely obituary. Thinking of you.
    Kim xXx

  9. Hi Lorraine
    A beautiful verse and its good that you can now have a good old natter with your dad, chin up lass and thanks for sharing these beautiful words and meaning with us all
    big hugs Debra

  10. what a beautiful verse, so fitting.
    sandra xx

  11. that brought a tear to my eye
    sheonagh xx

  12. Ah Lorraine, that's a lovely obituary. Send you extra massive huge hugs and kisses from over the water, Karen

    Ps Good luck in your DT application, I've given it a go also, ah well we can only wait and see (fingers crossed)

  13. Hi Lorraine, I know exaclty how you feel today, my dad passed away 24 years ago in April and I still miss him. Plus today is my birthday so hugs and kisses sent your way.

    Lynsey x x x

  14. beautiful verse Lorraine
    sending a big hug
    Tracy x

  15. Awww Lorraine
    What a poignant verse - so beautiful

    Big Hugs

  16. Lorraine, what a beautiful verse. Makes me think of my Dad, who unfortunatly passed away 3 years ago - just 5 months before my wedding.

    Thank you for sharing.


  17. Lots of hugs for you.
    Hugs Hugs Linda x
