Wednesday 15 April 2009

Pink Elephant Challenge

Well a very good morning to all you lovelies out there in blogland... new & old alike.

Hopefully things will start to return to a bit of normality this week again & I will be back in challenge mode again... fingers crossed anyway.
To get the ball rolling again I opted to start with this weeks challenge over at
A colour scheme of pink, green & yellow so that was quick & easy to accomplish.

Here I done some doodling around the base card with a black Pigma Micron pen, then attached some self adhesive ribbon for the stalks of the flowers. Next up used some cream flower heads which I coloured pink using a ink pad. When dry again some doodling was added. Some yellow card candy for the flower sentiments & rub-on sentiment to finish.

Pigma micron pen : Sakura

Self adhesive ribbon : Cardology

Flower heads & card candy : Craftwork Cards

Rub On's : Doodlebug

Okay folks that's it for the moment although I will be back later, but right now I have to dash as I've got a dental appointment at 10.30. Poor me...

Oh yes & forgot to say... our water has been yucky brown since last night as apparently there was a burst mains water pipe.... ran all the taps last night for an hour & still dirty... this morning I'm running the bath full steam ahead... yuck.... still more dirt....
Thankfully we had a few bottles of water which we've been able to use but think I'd better pop into the supermarket on the way home & buy some more.

See you all soon

Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Well it may have been quick and easy but wow it's definitely got the wow factor. Thanks for sharing it with us at the Pink Elephant.
    Ann xxx

  2. Lovely card Lorraine, great idea with the ribbons. Goodluck at the dentist ouch and i hope your mucky water situation is resolved soon Yuk. Donna x

  3. Lovely catd Lorraine, good luck at the dentist hun, not my favourite person!!
    Anne x

  4. Such a pretty card Lorraine, there's a little something for you over on my blog.

    Jan x

  5. gorgeous card Lorraine

  6. Lovely card Lorraine

  7. what a gorgeous card Lorriane.

    hugs Riet.x

  8. Fab card hun!!

    hope the dentist was kind!

    Emma xxx

  9. fab card hunni, the ribbon is a great idea :o)


    Amanda xxx

  10. such a pretty card Lorraine love the sweet flowers and fab colour combo.
    Tracy x

  11. I love this!! Using the ribbon for stems and leaves is so cool and how you placed the sentiment is wonderful! Thanks for joining us at TPE this week!

  12. WAY CUTE!! I love the doodling around the edges of the card. It's the perfect touch! Wonderful work.

  13. Lovely bright cheery card Lorraine, just perfect for our challenge this week :)

    Carol x

    p.s. hope the dentist was gentle with you :)
