Tuesday 14 April 2009

Candy Winner Announcement

Well folks I'm sorry it's so late in the day before announcing the winner of my Easter Monday Candy draw but due to recent events within my hubby's business, we had some very urgent business to deal with today that has taken priority.
This is a picture of the candy which includes, 12 x 12 papers, handbag cards & envelopes, chipboard book & pages, 15 scalloped edge frames, 2 sheets of sentiments, variety of ribbons & card candy.
I have used Random Integer for the draw & the result is as follows:
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:42
Timestamp: 2009-04-14 13:10:41 UTC

Now after counting through the entries.... the winner of the candy is.....
Well done honey & if you can drop me an email I will get your candy in the post to you asap.
Thank you all for entering & even if you didn't win this time... you never know when another surprise 24 hour candy will appear on my blog so make sure you keep a daily eye on it so you don't miss out.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. What fabulous candy!! Congrats Sara!

  2. Hi Lorraine,

    Thanks for the chance to win,
    And congrats to Sara!!!



  3. Congrats Sara, enjoy your candy
    Anne x

  4. well done sara and thanks lorraine xx

  5. Well done Sara enjoy your new stash & thanks Lorraine for the draw.

    hugs Christine xx

  6. Congratulations, Sara. Well done Lorraine, that was fun.

    I still have a couple of days running on my blog candy for anyone who wants to enter. http://donnasdenofcrafts.blogspot.com


  7. OMG i won something, thank you lorraine, im in total shock, thank you ladies i'm sure i will enjoy Sara x

  8. Enjoy your candy Sara, Well done.
    Kim xXx

  9. Congrats Sara, this must be a nice surprise!

    Cazzy x

  10. Congratulations Sara and thank you Lorraine :)

    Carol x
