Friday 10 April 2009

Oh what a night

Morning folks it's Friday again & yet another week of 2008 is almost past us... doesn't time fly... or perhaps I just feel that way because I'm getting older... there are never enough hours in the day for me now...
Well yesterday sucked big style for my hubby... not going into any details as it's far too complex & a nightmare but hugs thanks have to go to Gayle for all her words of support & encouragement... So after he went to bed at 9.30pm exhausted from the days unfoldings... I had to try & relax so out came the rest of my decoupage for the troops... yes I got them all finished so onto the actual card making now.
Finally it was time to retire to bed for a well needed nights sleep... but alas no, it was not to be... as I was doing my nightly ritual of turning off the tv, closing blinds etc I could hear music & laughter... oh no not tonight I thought.... but oh yes it was tonight...
A couple who live in the cul-de-sac behind me have obviously gone on holiday & left their 19 year old son at home so he decided to have a party... most of which was happening in the back garden... thanks for that one mate... but, this is the kind of estate where most of the folks twitch at their curtains & gossip the next day... not me I thought when it turned almost 3am and the party was still in full swing I called upon the police. What a lovely girl I spoke to on the phone who was very understanding & I did apologise as I know it's not any terrible crime but hey people have to sleep.... she too said that it was unacceptable & would put a call out. Well after sitting around unable to sleep for the noise, the party finally came to an end around 4.30am this morning.. but had the police arrived... NO...
What is worse is the fact that I live in a Neighbourhood Watch area where we are supposed to receive additional support from the police yet there was nothing... I noticed a few houses with lights on & curtains twitching but obviously no one else had called the police else they would surely have responded...
Needless to say I've not long rolled out of bed complete with huge puffy red eyes so you will have to give me an hour or two to shower & get organised then I will be back with a creation or two.
Hope you all had a better sleep than me & if there is a party tonight again, I think I'll just chap on the door with my baseball bat in hand....
Thank you ever so much for reading my complaint today & I'll be in a cheerier mood later on.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. oh dear hun, {{{{{hugs}}}}} for your hubby for his bad news and here's a couple of slices of cucumber for your eyes hun lol

    Lets hope there's no party tonight.........if there is go and join it then at least if you look like hell tomorrow morning there will be a GOOD reason heehee!!

    hope you have a good day babes


    Amanda xxx

  2. oh dear!!! sorry to read of your upset and people can be so thoughtless and selfish.....but sadly it happens i just hope his parents get to hear about it and a clout round the ear might be called for lol!!! not that im into violence of course but i do see where your coming from....hope you pick up through the day and hope there isnt a repeat performance tonite..if there is ...*gatecrash* lol!!!...hugs sassyxx

  3. oh my lovely crafty friend....big hugs to you and Rob and never mind calling the polis....just get someone with a size 9 round there....hopefully there will be no repeat tonight...
    Hugs Kath xxxx

  4. oooh Lorraine how awful. Teenagers can be so inconsiderate to other peoples need to sleep, just because they believe in partying all night and sleeping all day!!! I do hope you get a better sleep tonight.
    Happy slumber.
    Kim xXx

  5. oh dear Mrs, you are having a bad run of things as late (((((((((((( HUGS GALORE)))))))))))))))

    Well if your feeling up for it take a wee look over at my blog, I've managed to find a video of the castle that I work in you might like it, then again you might not. Let me know what you think as its freaked me out BIG TIME.

    Hope you and Rob get a better nights sleep tonight, I'll be thinking of you all xoxox Karen

  6. so sorry to hear all this has happened to you i really feel for oyu hun..and fingers crossed that you and Rob have a better night.
    hugs clarex

  7. Aww dear Lorraine - hope hubby feels better..

    Well don't get me started on neighbours - I have had some nightmares oer the years as I live in a block of flats and you wouldn't believe the stories I could tell - mind you phoning the police was a regular occurence and give them their due they did come.
    Thankfully all our block is okay for now - fingers crossed!

