Friday 10 April 2009

Not the day I had planned

Well folks it's moving on in the evening again & so far I haven't managed to get any cards uploaded today... so what the **** has happened...
After my previous posting you all know why I was behind today but then just as I finished getting ready my mums friend arrived with a lovely bunch of purple tulips for my easter & then she stayed for a few hours & done all my ironing... think it may be me who should have been giving her the flowers...
Then as I was leaving to run her home, hubby was arriving home from work (I forgot he was finishing early today) so told him I wouldn't be long & then we would go out for a few hours.
Well I no sooner arrived home, when my mum & Eric arrived to pay a little visit, bringing with them a beautiful bunch of roses for my easter... wow 2 bunches in 1 day... must admit it made me feel a little special & managed to put a smile on my face.
Well when they left it was just after 4pm so not really a lot you can do by then so we decided to drive around some car dealerships just to see what kind of bargains they have on offer & boy were we shocked at some of the amazing deals that are around.. After that we popped into the pet shop to pick up animal supplies then came on home.
As usual my buddy Gayle text to make sure we were alright after yesterdays fiasco & now I've made a start on my cards for the troops... don't know how many I'll manage tonight though as my eyes are already feeling very heavy & I'm just about ready for bed.
Alas, I'm afraid that unless a miracle happens in the next hour you will have to wait until tomorrow before I post any new creations.
Hope you all have a fabulous Easter weekend full of fun & laughter.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. im sure your cards are well worth the wait...go on off to bed with yer..nite nite and sleep tight...just hopes the neigbours have worn them selves out....enjoy the rest of the weekend.....sassyx

  2. aww..hun..its sounds like you had fun again
    but look on the bright side you had 2 bunches of flowers given to you and even had your ironing lets hope you have a good night sleep and hope you'll feel alot better in the morning hugs clare xx

    thanks hun xx

  3. Lorraine I totally get what you mean - my blogging and crafting has kinda ground to a halt - I am so tired and sore with my work I never feel like crafting when I get home...Grrr!!
    Wish I didn't have to work!!!! LOl
