Wednesday 29 April 2009

Cubby Hole

Yesterday contained a mixture of chores so I really didn't manage to get much done in the old craft room... also had a late start to the day as it was another night of sleeping for around 10 hours which I'm not complaining about... body must be needing it.
Anyway, when I did get on the go I had the mid week Asda run to do & Rob asked me to get some cat litter for the bunnies.. well I couldn't believe the weight in the bag.. before my op I was always lifting these bags no problem at all but yesterday... golly gosh... I felt such a weakling. Well when Rob got home last night we discovered why... I had bought clay litter instead of wood... silly old cow that I am... but in my defence there is nothing on the bag to say what kind it is & I had just presumed it was wood... may have to write to Asda asking them to label their products better.
After that I popped to the cemetary to put some lovely bright flowers down for my Dad & Brother as I feel as though they have been so neglected over the last 6 months.. I'm sure they understand that kneeling to tend to gravestones was not exactly something I could do.. apart from the workmen who were there it was lovely.. slightly breezy but the sun was shining & I love the peace & tranquility that can be found in cemetary's.
Next up came the cleaning of a dirty Rabbits bum... oh yes my beautiful albino had decided to get her bum caked in dirt so into the bathtub she had to go. She is a wee rescue bunny we got about 2 years ago.. found in a park by a vet walking her own dogs.. and she was distraught to find that someone had dumped this poor bunny who had also been attacked by a dog. Thankfully this was a very kind hearted vet who took the bunny into her surgery & she had to operate to fix her rear legs.. she can still put them at very strange angles & she can't really run & jump as they go everywhere... then low & behold the wee thing gave birth to babies which the vet managed to home through her clients & little mummy came to live with us... Well bathtime is fun... I have the big old marigolds on along with my apron otherwise I end up covered from head to toe in crap & soaking wet into the bargain... she was rather good though & behaved herself.
I will try & get a picture of her for you to see in the next few days.
Finally I managed to get some clearing out done in the craft room.. not much I may add as it was more organising rather than anything else... and if you could see the next part I have to deal with you wouldn't believe the difference... too ashamed to show it though so you will just have to wait & see the finished pictures.

This is a fab unit I got from the childrens section of Ikea... very sturdy indeed & perfect for storage... on top I have my cd's glitters, side kick etc and in the drawers starting from top left are
drawer 1 : christmas products drawer 1 : unmounted stamps
drawer 2 : embellishments drawer 2 : mounted stamps
drawer 3 : acetate, vellum etc drawer 3 : pre-scored cards & envelopes
drawer 4 : A4 coloured cardstock drawer 4 : more pre-scored cards & envelopes
drawer 5 : full of scrap card drawer 5 : gorgeous 300 weight white card from Anne
some papers & stickers K&Co christmas ornament book
Well I think I'm now about half way there in the organising of my craft room so fingers crossed it will be finished by the weekend & next week I can get stuck in to some real crafting again as I'm feeling rather deprived at the moment, but needs must I'm afraid.
Time to go get myself sorted now... a little housework to do then into the shower & scrubbed well as I have a hospital appointment at 2am to see the bone specialist again about my shoulder. My appointment couldn't be at a worse time either as there is afternoon visiting on a Wednesday & no where near enough parking spaces so I'll have to head out around 1pm in the hopes of getting parked & in on time for my appointment... then we have to see how long it actually takes... last time I saw him I was there for almost 3 hours!
Will try & pop back later again & catch up with some more blog hopping.
Hope you're all having a fantastic week.
Love & hugs


  1. That's a great storage unit Lorriane, I must visit Ikea soon lol

  2. Oh my goodness your so organised! I would be ashamed to show you my craft room lol. Good luck at the Doctors, loved your story about your rescue rabbit, sounds like he has a fantastic caring home now bless. Donna x

  3. great storage. Oh to be so organized
