Tuesday 28 April 2009

Award Time

Shame on me...
Can you believe I was given this gorgeous award on April 15th and that's me only just getting around to uploading it...
Well now that I have I would like to forward it on to everyone who visits my blog as a way of saying thank you for all the support you have given me in the past, present & hopefully the future too.

This was awarded to me by the fabulous JanJ and I'm sure you would enjoy a visit to her blog.

Huge hugs & here's to lots of happy crafting


  1. Will be stealing this for my blog!!! Thank you Lorraine...and congratulations! You deserve it!
    Lou XX

  2. Hi Hun..firstly Congrats on your award hun..you totaly deserve it xx

    and to say a massive thanks from me & Dean for his gorgeous birthday day..its even better in real life..lol it arrived in the post morning.thanks once again hun xxx

  3. Congrats on the award Lorraine, well deserved. :)
