Monday 23 March 2009

Where is Spring....

Gosh, I'm just getting ready to head out the door just now but boy am I having to wrap up well today...
Where has all our beautiful spring weather disappeared to?
Today instead of the mild blue skied days we've had of late... what do we have... flaming gale force winds...
It was so bad during the night that it actually blew over one of my patio chairs... very unusual & they really haven't eased up much today at all... I actually think they are picking up again so goodness only knows what they will be like overnight...
Let's just hope that it's only a wee blip in the weather & that tomorrow we are back to our gorgeous sunshine.
Hope the weather is a little better where you are.
Back later.
Lorraine xxx


  1. weather in warwickshire is naff...... so very windy and still trying to get he garden done and no way am i chasing leaves lol!!! been on shift and looked like id been pulled through a hedge backwards lol...hope the sun returns.....hugs xxx

  2. Terrible weather all of a sudden - bloomin' typical!

  3. Hi Lorraine, it,s wet n windy here too!!!!!
    Trish (-:

  4. well it's the same here...blowing a hooley tonight and snow forecast and blinking freezing.
    Hugs Kath

  5. It's been windy in leeds too hun our neighbours wheelie bin shared all its recycling with our front garden this morning!!!!

    Emma xxx
