Tuesday 24 March 2009

Time at home....

Oh boy what a day it turned out to be yesterday... I left early afternoon & something that should have taken about 3 hours max... ended up taking until 6.40pm... at which point I then had to rush home, turn lights on, feed animals & then rush back out for a 7pm meeting... needless to say I did manage to make a quick coffee which left along with me in my travel mug...
Finally meeting ended & I managed to return home about 10pm... tired & starving... sad thing was I couldn't be bothered waiting for anything to cook as I was so hungry... hadn't had anything since 2.30pm.... so dinner ended up being 4 slices of toast & pate...
I've had a lazy start to the day but energy levels are starting to rise again.. thankfully, I have a day in the house and am going to stuff the housework & just spend time playing...
Don't know how much I'll achieve but I'll certainly be back in the next few hours with something...
Hope you're all having a good day.
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your day, Lorraine!! All work and no play = a very grumpy girl! *giggle*
