Thursday 26 March 2009

A non craft day of sorts

Well what a day it turned out to be for little old me... firstly the weather has been bitter cold sharp winds combined with rain & hail.... YUCK....
Alas, I set out today with the intention of getting my step daughter a binding machine to use for her University course work.... easy I thought... so off I popped to my local craft store... where I just happened to meet up with some bloggy buddies Allison and Sue which was lovely... I also ended up staying & having a coffee with them whilst they were in their craft group... please note that although there was lots of laughter around the table, everyone managed to produce a finished card at the end of it all...
Allison....... true to my word, I am blogging about it..... thank you for my lovely Aloe Vera tissue..
Now back to my story... after all this fun & shopping too of course (for myself)... they were out of stock on binders... SUCKS..... off I toddled to another craft shop (hubby nipping in ear on mobile phone)... pee water.... they too were out of stock.....
Now by this time I'm getting peeved off so ended up going to Next & splashing the cash on new clothes for her... poor soul.... at least I know what she's getting for Christmas now....
Upon my return home my friend & neighbour called to ask if I had 1 large free range egg to enable her to make dinner... off I popped round to hers.... then would you believe it... when I went to make our dinner... I was out of olive oil... so hubby was shipped back round to my friends to get some oil from her..
Finally I managed to get dinner ready & just as we sat down to eat in came my step daughter & boyfriend... who at this moment in time are sat in the living room watching tv...
Sorry I've not managed to post a creation today but will be back with something new tomorrow... in the meantime I'm now off to feed my bunnies & get them all locked up for the night...
Hope you've had a wonderful day & see you all tomorrow again.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Wow, that sounds hectic! Hope tomorrow is more relaxed.


  2. Aww sounds like you had a lot of running around - great to meet bloggy buds though!!

    Have a wee award for you!!

    Hope the bunnies are well!!


  3. glad you liked the tissue but I couldn't bear to see you with snot coming out your nose for much longer..... hehe...come and join us next week again.. some weeks we are totally non creative but at least you are guaranteed coffee and chocolate and a play with the puppies and of course a tissue when required... great to see you again

  4. Wow hun!!!

    I am exhausted just reading your

    Hope you are well and theres not too much cold weather coming your way....brrrrr!

    Emma xxx

  5. Oh thanks for making me laugh first thing in the morning dear what hetic day you had
    Hugs Jacqui x

  6. Sounds like your day was hectic. Lol at the egg and olive oil..well what are neighbours for!!
    Emma x
