Friday 27 March 2009

Morning All

Well I certainly hope you have better weather than I do today... the winds are howling outside & goodness only knows what the rest of the day will bring...
I've just done a little blog hopping... trying to do bits & bobs here & there so that I can catch up with everyone... (need a full day I think)... so off now to have a quick rush around with the vacuum & duster etc... mum is coming to visit at some point although not sure when and apart from that I'm planning on having a crafty day...
Not sure yet what I'm going to play with so you will just all have to wait & see... Sorry!
Have a fabby day & back with you all soon.
Lorraine xxx


  1. Hi Lorraine xxx hope you are ok xxx
    so sorry i have not been around much xxx
    look forward to seeing your cards later ,hugs Dawnxxx

  2. Wet and extremely windy here too Lorraine.I was standing in playground of Louis school freezing this morning.Had to drive over the Erskine Bridge too which with high winds wasn't the highlight of my
    Cass xxx

  3. Can't wait to see what you create!

  4. Hi Lorraine, blow the head off ya over here in Ireland too, brrr. Have a great day crafting look forward to seeing what you make. Donna x

  5. Look forward to seeing some more of your gorgeous creations soon.
    Emma x
