Sunday 22 March 2009

Jade Goody

Well morning to you all folks... and I do apologise for abondoning you yesterday with the exception of the candy winner... however, hubby took me out for lunch, we went shopping etc, I had a few Sakura samples to make up then we were off out to my friends 40th..... it turned out to be quite a late night for me....
Alas, when I turned the computer on this morning I read the news that poor Jade Goody has finally lost her battle with cancer... thankfully it sounds as though she passed away peacefully.
Now last weekend they said she wouldn't make Mothers Day so I have to wonder if this was her one final fight of defiance... as she did infact make it... so sad however that she didn't get to see her boys... but in the long run it may well be better for them... Obviously this will be a day with a difference for them in years to come & I only hope that they are brought up to celebrate the day & not to mourn it.

Having recently attended the doctors, and having a discussion with her in relation to cervical cancer, she did confirm that since Jade Goody had been told she was going to lose her fight for life, the surgery had seen an increase of somewhere in the region of 20% - 25% in younger women being tested... this is something that the medical profession has never been able to achieve on their own.
Another cancer which is even harder to detect is ovarian cancer... stats show that this too ranks within the top five for women.... and there is no regular testing that can be done for this, unlike cervical cancer.

What I would like to ask is that you all ensure you attend for your smear tests every time they are due... this will ensure that if there are any stray cells there they will hopefully be able to treat them before the situation escalates... more often than not this is done by laser surgery & having spoken to people who have gone through it... it is very quick & relatively painfree....
It could save your life.................
Ovarian cancer on the other hand appears as symptoms... some of the following:
Pain in the lower abdomen or side, bloating or full feeling in the abdomen, irregular period, back pain, passing urine more often than usual, constipation, pain during sex....

There is quite a lot of detail available although I never recommend that you self diagnose... at
Simply have a read & if in any doubt make an appointment with your GP as soon as possible...
Now if you read this site... to give you peace of mind... when my tumour was diagnosed last year, I was at Stage 4 ovarian cancer... that was 6 months ago & look at me now... back to normal... I was fortunate enough not to have cancer as will be many others.... just because you have the tumour does not mean the worst....
Don't take the chance..... GET IT CHECKED OUT............

Sorry to start your Sunday off with my preaching on this matter.. but after recent experience this is something that is very close to my heart & I for one always had my smear test done and nothing has ever shown up... do not believe that your smear test will show signs of ovarian cancer... there is no connection at all.........
To anyone reading this who has been affected by these terrible diseases, through friends, family or personal... I salute you for your bravery and please know that I do say a prayer every day for those who are currently suffering.
I will be back later today with some new creations and in the meantime please all have a wonderful time with your family on Mothers Day......

Lorraine xxx


  1. A serious yet welcome reminder that we should take care of ourselves and get checked out. My MIL died the day before Mothers day 18 years ago from Breast cancer. Another terrible disease important to check for and get checked out if you have any worries at all. I also lost an Aunt to this 20 years ago. Thanks for reminding us all to keep checking x

  2. RIP Jade, it so sad, my MIL was recently given the all clear from her fight with breast cancer and my nan with bowel cancer.

    Happy mother's day hun may you have a fab day x x

  3. Mmm I agree with you. When I was a student Midwife the amount of Women who came into Gynae and were opened up then just closed again as nothing could be done was shocking. This was for Ovarian Cancer. It really freaks me out as it is a bit of a silent killer. So glad that Jade is at peace now. The last week must have been so traumatic for her and the family. Having watched my Grandad die 7 months ago still think about the ghastly fight your body has over the last few days. Bless her and those 2 wee boys without a Mummy now. Hazelxoxo

  4. Hi Lorraine thanks for all this advice from a voice of experience. My mum had womb cancer when I was three weeks old so I was tested for cancer at birth more or less. Luckily she is 67 and strong. I currently live in Bermondsey and have met Jackie, Jades mum on several occasions, I am feeling for her today and for her grandmother, to lose a child must be extremely hard but on Mothers Day!!! I hope her children become successful after all this was her wish. A new light in heaven peace be with you Jadexxxx

  5. HI Lorraine

    Thanks for the reminder of this terrible thing(ovarian). I still haven't gone to the GP's but i am definately this week after reading this and also with poor Jade Goody i so feel for her boys and owe it to my family to get checked
    will keep you informed by email
    hugs Debra xx

  6. wow, cancer is scary - i've always assumed that i would be safe from all medical issues at least through my 20's

  7. Well Said Lorraine
    I have had a few abnormal cells myself on a few occasions and am not back to 6 month check ups!!

