Saturday 21 March 2009

Daily Candy Add on WINNER ..................

Well I've actually been doubled in two this morning working out the winner of my candy... why....
Would you believe that yesterday I sat & counted up all the entrants... 891 in total.... and then sat down writing out a long list of numbers & names in advance of drawing the number.... you know, one of those times when you try to be prepared to the best of your ability... just goes to show exactly how my brain was functioning yesterday (or rather, should I say not functioning),
not enough medication in me obviously....
Now this morning, I sat down all ready to complete my list & what did I realise... the entrants were all broken down into daily stats so all I actually had to do was work through them this way... oh so simple yet my silly brain did not realise this yesterday.... my apologies....
Alas I am bright & functioning this morning so have now worked out the winner of the candy and it took me all of about 60 seconds.....
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:885
Timestamp: 2009-03-21 08:56:09 UTC

I did have a good old laugh to myself when this number was drawn as with it being number 885 & there were 891 entries the counting was very simple.... how big a twat do I now feel.... lol.
Having now completed my very difficult mathmatics of 885 of 891... this translates to show the winner as being none other than....

So very well done to Karen & a huge big thank you to everyone else who joined in the fun.

Hey you never know when the next lot will appear do you... and I must admit... I'm loving doing these candy give aways...
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend filled with lots of crafting...
Karen can you please drop me an email with your address so I can get your goodies in the post to you...
Big hugs to one & all
Lorraine xxx


  1. Congratulations Karen hope you enjoy all your goodies.
    Thanks to Lorraine for setting it all up.
    Kim xXx

  2. Congrats Karen:)
    Hope your feeling better today Lorraine
    Anne x

  3. Oh well doen Lorraine for getting it all sorted in the end. :) :)
    Congratulations Karen - you are going to be one happy bunny when you receive your goodies. :)


  4. Congratulations to Karen and thanks again Lorraine for this great ongoing candy.


    p.s. you might want to re-read your post... did you mean to say twit!

  5. I won, I won, I am soooo in shock, thank you so much, I can't wait to get all those goodies and I will have loads of time to play with them as I'm still home with this damn broken leg so it has cheered me up no end, thank you soo much, I have loved coming to your blog everyday to see what goodies you had to offer and to see each day what you have made, oh I'm sooo excited, I'm going to shut up now and go and email you

  6. congrats to the lucky winner!!

    hugs and happy week end!!


  7. Congratulations Karen!
    Have a good weekend Lorraine.
    Lou XX

  8. Congratulations Karen !!!!!!!!!!!


  9. Well done Karen

    and a big thank you Lorraine for all your ard work with the blog candy

    Zoe xx

  10. You lucky thing Karen, well done!

  11. Well done Karen, hope you enjoy playing with all the goodies.
    Sheonagh x
