Monday 16 March 2009

Jade Goody

Well folks I just have to say I have never been a fan of this young lady... think she has always been one of those people you love or loathe... however... that said I know for a fact that I will shed a tear when this poor lass looses her life under such terrible circumstances....
My operation last year related to my ovary... and until my operation was carried out & every bit of what was removed tested... took several months actually... I had that question hanging over me whether or not it was malignant... I hung in there, stayed positive & told myself everything would be okay... in between which I had a few really down days but friends & family kept me going.. many of you bloggers too once I was able to reach the computer... finally the all clear came back to me & I truly couldn't believe how lucky I was & what a close call it had been...
Poor Jade on the other hand was not so lucky.. now this lass is almost 10 years younger than me & has 2 beautiful young boys... how she is managing to stay as brave as she is I will never know... all I can say is that she is extremely couragious in my eyes... I know that many people have knocked her for keeping the cameras rolling as much as she did... but hey... lots of people under these circumstances find it easier to deal with their trauma if they maintain as normal a working life as possible... she is obviously one of them...
I say a little prayer for her each day now... not that she will recover.. obviously this is no longer an option... but that she suffers as little as possible... also that she manages to say to everyone what she wants & that when the time comes.. she will pass peacefully at home with her loved ones around her... remember that when that time comes.. she has so many friends & family who will be heart broken & their lives will be changed forever... also for her 2 little boys who may not even be able to wish their Mum a Happy Mothers Day this year or any following...
Sorry for this sombre morning thought today but sometimes I just have to get things off my chest...
To the bravery of Jade & the light she has shone on this ever so deadly disease... we thank you.
Lorraine xxx
May I add & I do apologise for not having said this earlier... that although I am speaking of Jade at the moment... I also extend my thoughts & prayers to all the normal people of the world who are going through the same trauma... be them the patient themselves or the friends & family around them... you are all brave... Jade just happened to be the one in the limelight who has managed to bring this awful disease to the public's attention...
For all of you out there.. stay strong. xxx


  1. Oh Lorraine
    i am sat in tears reading this, i really feel for this yong lady to, how i would ever be able to tell my children i was leaving them for good i'll never know and hopefully will never have to. I hope she makes it for mother's day as i think that will mean a lot to her and her family. Thank you for sharing with us i am following her story but get so upset reading about her horrible ordeal and pain and just hope that peole do not take advantage of her.
    Hugs Debra xx

  2. I'm like you I didn't really like her, she's one of these "celebrities" that are famous for nothing in particular. I really feel for her tho, so young and such young kids too, they will be heartbroken. When all is said and done she might have been a bit loud and all that but she was a good mum.

    I am almost crying every morning when I read the updates in the paper, and like you I will be shedding a tear when the sad day comes too


    Amanda xxx

  3. Me too, I really feel for them now with the end looming over them. It is such a hard time of the family and for poor Jade.
    Having just been through it 7 months ago with my Grandad I have stopped reading about it as it is still a bit raw for me.
    Bless them, Hazelxo

  4. Here here....
    Every thing that has been said is so right, such a young beautiful person, to be put through such cruelty, how she has ever done what she is doing for her boy's is beyond me, and for anyone to say she should not be in the public eye, need thier head read, she is one brave lady to do this, and come on it is all for the boy's future, you tell me what person would not do this for thier children if they had the chance,
    I read yesterday that it would be a miracle if she lasted into early monday morning, well i have heard nothing to say otherwise, hope and pray she is not suffering too much, the bit that read * I AM TOO AFRAID TO CLOSE MY EYE'S IN CASE I DO NOT WANT UP*.. that says it all...
    BRAVE, BRAVE, young lady...
    My love, heart and prayer's go out to Jade and all around her....
    Thank goodness you were clear and all ok....
    must stop now...
    Hugs Angel

  5. It is very distressing indeed Lorraine - I lost my very close sister-inlaw to secondary breast cancer. I nursed her all the way through - the very least I could have done for her. My heart goes out to anyone who has/is expericencing this. It takes a long time to get over such a big loss in your life.


  6. i think most people are echoing your thoughts. Such young boys to lose their mum, your heart breaks for them. I think Jade has suffered alot and I hope her suffering comes to a peaceful end soon.
    Lorraine x x

  7. Its all very sad,i really hope the dreaded big c never touches me or any of my boys its truly heartbreaking them 2 little boys being left without there mother ,i myself was up a few times during the night checking to see and i think at the min things are very bad i hope its pain free at the end and her familys holding her hand xxx

  8. I totally agree Lorraine - it can't help but touch the very core when you see and read the terrible circumstances. Her boys are so young - just a few years ago she was on Big Brother - I remember it like it was yesterday,...

  9. Lorraine, I couldn,t have said it better.
    Bless Her.
    Trish (-:

  10. Oh Lorraine what can I say, but like you having been through the trauma of having operations, as you know I went through 2nd time in December last year and now have no bits left, got the all clear and Jade has really struck a chord with all my family, the boys have said a couple of times this week 'is that the same kinda thing that happened to you mum that Jade is going through'....and I had to explain to them all again what I had gone through...Its opened some wounds and maybe its what I needed to have a good cry and go through some more healing that hasnt been done even though I thought it had, my heart goes out to her boys, family and friends because at the end of the day I can count my blessings and have got through it and would dread to think of any other outcome....thanks for writing this...hugs Jackie xx

  11. I feel the same as you about Jade was never a fan but no one deserves to go through what she is going through. The thought of having to say good bye to those beautiful boys breaks my heart.

    I am however relieved to hear of your all clear even though I just met you we crafters all seem to have so much in common.

    I lost my mum to ovarian cancer 5 years ago and it was tragic she was only 61 and had just retired.

    was good to meet you at the secc i was the one tagging along with allison i know you met so many people that weekend would be hard to remember us all.

    may your God bless you and keep you well

    xx Sue
