Monday 16 March 2009

Blogger needs support

My buddy Gayle is very down at the moment & I would so appreciate if you could pop over to her blog & just leave a little message to help cheer her up.....

She is threatning to give up crafting & blogging... HELP !!!!!!!!

Thank you
Lorraine xxx


  1. oh we can't have that now can we hun, off i pop, sue.x

  2. i have been a occasional visitor on gayles blog, she has some amazing work on there, i have popped back over and hopefully left some words of encouragement for a truly talented crafter xxx
    sandra xxx

  3. likewise she can't possibly leave us she is so talented hopefully all our words of encouragement will keep her standing been and left a message
    hugs Debra xx

  4. OHHH no, no,,,,
    that's no good...pop over and i will say hi...
    Hugs Angel

  5. I pop over and i will say hi...
    Hugs Peggy

  6. I'll pop right over there when I have finished commenting on your blog Looraine - we can't possibly loose anyone from the crafty world. :) :)

