Monday 2 February 2009

Update on Gayle's sister.....

Hi folks, my apologies for it being later this evening before I have gotten around to posting this update...
The specialist was in to see Gayle's sister today and unfortunately this did not shine as much light on her condition as we had hoped it would... what infact has happened is that they have instructed another CT scan to be done tomorrow along with a lumbar puncture.... she is not holding up the best at the moment as she is in a great deal of pain & they cannot give her anything to ease it any as the medication could show false readings tomorrow.
Gayle as you can imagine is extremely upset with the whole situation, more so because she is seeing her sister in so much pain & cannot do anything to help her... in addition to this the poor soul is only managing to get about 1 hours sleep at night & still has to make sure her dad is ok & be mum to her 3 year old...
This is so traumatic for them all, but she does appreciate all the well wishes you are sending to her & I myself thank you for taking the time to leave these messages for them... I'm sure that when her sister is home again, she will spend time browsing through all the lovely comments you have left for them.
Good night, god bless & thank you...
Lorraine xxx
P.s. back tomorrow with cards as usual & another update...


  1. Oh Lorraine
    This must just be horrendous for Gayle having to see her sister in pain like that - here's hoping that the CT scan will show something and then she can get pain relief...


  2. Lorraine,
    I know it is not easy watching your loved ones suffer so. Tell Gayle we are sending her big cyber hugs. Thanks for the update

  3. Oh my heart goes out to them... it all sounds so upsetting.
    Sending ((hugs hugs))
    Hope Gayles sister is home with them again soon.
    Chris xx
