Monday 2 February 2009

Snowy Snowy Day

Well good morning all & I wonder if you awoke to sights like this today... I'm sure a great many of you have....
This was the view from my bedroom window this morning & going by the look of the sky it may well stay like that all day.... it's still snowing at present all be it lightly...
If you are having to travel in weather like this today, please do take extra care....
On a different matter, for all of you out there following the progress of Gayle's sister, well at the moment she is still in a bad way and the specialist is due to visit her today... hopefully after that the family may find out a bit more about what is happening. I will be checking in with Gayle later on again & will post an update on her condition for you tonight.... In the meantime, please keeping saying those prayers for the family as they need all the support they can get just now.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. WOw I'm coming down, we don't have any snow here. Grrrr,. I wanted to make a snowman with the boys but it snows then melts. Hope to get some later. Have a safe day! Hazel xox

  2. Fab picture Lorraine, a day for the hoose, thanks again for update.

  3. Gayle's sister and the entire family are in my thoughts and prayers.

    Beautiful picture. Enjoy your snowy day!


  4. Hehehe sounds like you like the snow as much as me and the kiddies do, pop over my blog and check out our snowman..hehehehe,,,
    Let's hope the specialist has good new's..
    Hugs to you all.

  5. Lovely photo Lorraine but poor you having all that snow. None up here at all just very cold with sun and blue skies.
    Keep warn and don't do too much Love Cynthia x

  6. Great picture Lorraine, we didn't have snow this morning but we've certainly got it now.
    I've left a little something on my blog for you
    Anne x

  7. So lovely outside. Sometimes I wish it would snow in my hometown. Most of these days it has been very sunny and warm, close to summer weather. But I shouldn't complain huh? I know a lot of people in your hometown would want to have my kind of weather. Can you believe i never touched snow! Yeah, Im really a summer girl alright! I probably freeze my tooshie alright! Wouldn't be use to that kind of weather. But it looks so lovely thou!

  8. Oooh weeee ! Well we have no snow yet but I bet it's a comin'!!!

  9. The snow is so pretty and such a lovely view from your bedroom. Thanks for the update
