Wednesday 18 February 2009

Today's To Do

Another very good morning to all my lovely jubbly blogging buddies out there in blogland...
Hope this morning has found you all safe & well..
Now before I do any crafting today I MUST run some errands... Have to pick up some card stock as my supply is quickly deminishing, have to pay some cheques into the bank, pop to the post office & deliver some stuff..oh let's not forgot the trip to the local supermarket for those bits & bobs...
Then I have to then pay the gas & electricity bill... almost £800............. is it any wonder that older people die from hypothermia year in & year out in this country... how the hell are they supposed to keep warm when this is what it costs... I know they receive an allowance towards covering the cost but still nothing compared to this bill... Because I was recovering from surgery and in the house most of the time over the winter months my heating has been on 24/7, but overnight & during the daytime it has only been high enough to keep the chill from the air... certainly hasn't felt like I've been in Bermuda or anything.... I should have been so lucky.... the only real time it was turned up was between the hours of about 6pm & 11pm. So wish I lived in a lovely old house where I could have a wood burning stove or something.. heating would be much better & cheaper....
Well that's me cleared my chest for the morning so the quicker I leave you all the quicker I can return & get some crafting done then uploaded...
Until later.... love ya all peeps...
Lorraine xxx


  1. Hi honey...

    With £800 you would have been cheaper going to Bermuda! Ah, but you know you'd miss 'the well'!!!
    G x

  2. OUCHHHH £800.....
    Blimey that is bad, mine is due in this month, gonna hide me think....
    I feel for the elderly too, what has this world come to!!!!!!!!
    Hugs Angel

  3. Sounds like a busy day...god £800!!
    Hope you get your jobs done quick so more time to craft.
    Emma x

  4. So intrigued by your Bermuda comment. I lived there for 11 years - and never really cold in the winter usually in middle 50s, but this year the temp was down to 43 degrees f which is really cold for there tee hee

    Take care and keep warm my friend Love and hugs Cynthia x
