Wednesday 18 February 2009

The Pink Elephant Challenge

Well once again I have to apologise for not having posted before this very late hour... seems to be my normal this week but I will do my best to change back to my normal posting tomorrow.
I know my picture sucks too but at this time of night, no chance of a good pic & couldn't use my flash as it just reflected against the glitter...
Now the challenge this week over at The Pink Elephant is to the theme of "All that glitters"

Now you will know from my posting the other day that my neighbour had a little baby boy who they have named Jonathan... hopefully he will be coming home tomorrow or Friday... a little jaundice at the moment... poor wee man. So I decided to use the challenge to create their card.
I know it looks like the letters are pink but they are infact lavender & the base card is baby blue.
The letters were made using Wendie Rhodes wacky letter templates with the ribbons, ABC, pin & boy brad all being from my stash... the little boy is also pale blue, not green like he looks here.
If I can remember to take a better picture tomorrow I will do & replace this one as the card is so much nicer than it looks here...
Hopefully back with you all tomorrow morning.
Lorraine xxx


  1. GREAT card! You sure brought out the bling for our challenge. I love it! Thanks for joining us at TPE again this week.

  2. Cute, cute, cute!!

    Hope Johnathan gets to come home soon. Congrats to the Mommy and Daddy.


  3. Oh this is lovely Lorraine, Love the big letter shapes and the layout. Very glittery and sparkly, fab :-)

  4. The card is stunning - isn't it a nuisance when photos don't turn out with the correct colours. I love the card anyway and I'm sure with the correct colours it is even more stunning.

    Thanks for joining the challenge at the Pink Elephant - it's great to see such good work.

    Ann xxx

  5. This looks gorgeous, ove the colours,
    Bet we know who you will be cuddling in a couple of day's..
    new little bundle...ahhhhhhh....
    Hugs Angel

  6. Hi Lorraine
    Been a while since I popped by...gorgeous card and loads of glitter. Fantastic!
    Emma x

  7. Fab use of the letter templates. I love what you have done and all the glitteriness (is that a word?) :) Kim

  8. This is fantastic Lorraine, love it. Those buttons are fab.

  9. Bring on the Bling!! this is fabulous's so difficult to get a decent picture some grey days...bring on spring!
    Thanks for joining us hun :)

    Carol x

  10. WAY TO GO, Lorraine! Girl, you did a great job with the glitz!
