Thursday 26 February 2009

Leanne Ellis Surprise

Well as many of you will have read previously, my friend was coming to visit today so that we could work on a scrapbook for her mum 60th birthday in June... well I've never done any scrapping before but decided I would give it a bash with her... We spent most of the day working on it & actually achieved quite a few (what I think) good looking pages... now unfortunately we were so tight on time that I never managed to get any pictures taken... If I manage to see my friend before she heads back to Co Durham on Friday I will take some pics or barring that you may well have to wait until June.. Sorry...
However... I'm sure you'll be more than happy to feast your eyes on my delightful surprise which arrived for me today via Mr Postie... oh he is such a wonderful man at times isn't he when you open the door & wonder in amazement what is in the package he is holding...

Here was my huge surprise for the day... which was so thoughtfully organised by my besty buddy Gayle for my birthday... did I get the shock of my life or what.....

Yes here is my gorgeous pressie... a stunning Leanne Ellis "Make A Wish" print, along with a fabulous bookmark and a cracking "Patience" card where Leanne herself wrote some beautiful words inside for me... now how very priviledged & special do I feel.... need you ask?????
Needless to say I'm going to frame my little beauty & hang her in my craft room where she can provide me with endless inspiration and no you can't get your hands on her..... she's mine.... but I did think I would share her picture with you....
Well now that I've chilled out this evening by watching 2 episodes of Lost & how could I miss the new episode of Desperate Housewives... no way... so I'm off to bed now for some big zzzzz's and I'll be back with you all soon.
Big hugs
Lorraine xxx


  1. OH my goodness, how gorgeous!

    Glad you had a great day with your friend!


  2. So pretty! What a wonderful inspiration for your craft room! And wasn't Lost great this week??? LOL

  3. what a lovely gift,which will look wonderful in your craft room,x x

  4. how simply fabulous is this....sassyx

  5. You lucky ducky....

    gorgeous prezzies......
    Happy birthday..
    Hugs Angel

  6. wow what a gorgeous gift from a lovely friend
    Hugs Kath xxxxx

  7. Awww Lorraine was your birthday yesterday and I dind't get a chance to stop by - Grrr!
    What a wonderful pressie to get too - hope you had a great day!!

    Happy belated wishes!!
    Och I wish I'd known!!!


  8. Hi Lorraine!

    I'm sooo glad you like the print and bookmark, and Thank you for this lovely post! It was clear from her e-mails that Gayle thinks the world of you! Hope you had a really special day! :) xx

  9. Oh you luck luck lady - I just LOVE those prints.

    Hope you had a great birthday.


  10. These are just such sweet stamps with that vintage feel love them :)
