Wednesday 25 February 2009

Good Morning

Well good morning my lovelies...
Thank you kindly for your lovely caring words yesterday in relation to my knee.... and so you all know I have made an appointment with my GP for Friday morning to have her look at it... hopefully it will be something silly which will be easily mended...
On a brighter note I made it to the hairdresser today so have had my locks cut & feel so much better now... next thing I'll need to do is hit it with another bit of dye as they greys are starting to show themselves again... gosh old age really doesn't come alone does it.....
Well off to jump in shower now & will see you all later...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. good morning hun, good luck at the dr's on friday, hope its something he can sort for you x x

  2. Hi Lorraine, hope your knee gets better, and your not the only one who needs the hair dye LOL, Didn,t get to nosey on your blog yesterday and just wanted to say love the Male card ,brill colours.
    Trish (-:
