Saturday 10 January 2009

What a day...

Well I'm not quite sure how the weather has been where you are today but where I am it has been nothing less than awful... wind has been howling & lashing rain... doesn't the good old British weather suck at times...
Well my morning started with a cup of instant coffee as my good old reliable for the past 2 years coffee perculator decided to die a death on me... absolutely shocking as it had cost me a massive £12 in the the sale at Morrisons & trust me I loved it dearly... a minimum of 1 pot of fresh coffee every day & sometimes pushed out to 2 pots... alas, it's time with me was over & that left me with the hassle of finding a new one... yes I know there are so many to choose from but I like one with easy access for the water, that heats quickly & keeps my coffee warm... trust me these are few & far between in reality...
Well dear hubby decided that we should go to the local Tesco in the next town over for a change, so off we went hoods up, gloves on etc etc braving this mad weather only to find that the road we normally take was closed so we had to about turn & go another... Yes you guessed it, two lanes full of traffic literally at a stand still & we were then stuck in the middle of it with no way out and the traffic in the opposite direction was every bit as bad, so no sense turning around... finally after about 30 minutes we made...
Now this is one of those Mega stores so hubby decided to buy me a lovely new cardigan along with yes would you believe it a fabby new coffee perculator... it's all brushed chrome & works super... I flushed it through with water to clean the inside & the water that had been sitting in the pot for over an hour had steam pouring from it when I went to throw it down the drain.. how cool, finally a pot that keeps the coffee warm just like the American ones... fingers crossed it lasts me for quite a few years to come & it was only £30.
After our 2 hour shopping trip it was off to the pet shop for the weekly supplies & into Argos as we also had to buy a humidifier... my wee guinea pig has a nasal problem which means he has to receive regular steaming seasons... not the easiest thing to do with a squirmy pig but a friend told me to try a humidifier as she knew someone who used it for her guinea pig & it worked wonders... alas it is running right now so with any luck this will work as well as my coffee pot...
Now that my daily chores are done I thought I would post you all a wee note to tell you about my day & now I'm off to see what challenges I can play on... hope you've all had a fabby day & I'll be back tomorrow again with yet another creation...
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Blowing a hooley her too in Millport, the ferries have been off too. Poor wee GP. Enjoy your new coffee maker.

  2. Hi Lorraine - what a day indeed!! It's lashing & miserable here too, think the whole of Scotland's drenched & dreich - lol!! I decided to stay home & play!! I hope your wee guinea pig is on the mend & the humidifier does the trick, good luck!
    Enjoy your weekend Lorraine.
    Ann xxx

  3. hiya!

    Oh I so hate coffee!!
    Have never been able to drink it, but I know people who will kill first thing in the morning until they get their coffee fix!
    Glad you found one you liked though!
    I love hearing about all your animals, didn't know you had a piggy too!

  4. Ha, Ha!
    You got stuck in the NIGHTMARE that was Shields/Glasgow Road yesterday!!! Everyone who should have been at the party yesterday hit the same problem! Ah that Wishy Tesco is good though ain't it???
    Go by train next time luv!
    G x
