Saturday 10 January 2009

Tag You're It Challenge

Yippee the challenge this week over at "Tag You're It" has been set by my wonderful buddy Kath who I'm sure you all know very well... and she has opted for stripes...
What a fun tag this was to make as I delved into my scrap box for all the bits & pieces that have been left over from other projects. Like so many others I've started the clearing process & am truly amazed at what can be found amidst all the goodies we have collected over the last year, so rule number 1 this year is to keep buying to a minimum until I have used up a lot of what I have... I'm sure my bank account will like that but more to the point so will my craft room.
Well I have a spare half hour now before hubby whisks me off to the shop so think I may just manage to squeeze in a bit of blog hopping which will be the first for a few days & I'm so behind with my visits now. Perhaps I'll be visiting you today or tomorrow so keep an eye out for me.
P.s. Don't forget to check on my blog candy

Happy crafting

Lorraine xxx


  1. Hi Lorraine, Thank you for your kind comment on my blog. I love your tag. You co-ordinated all your bits and bobs so well!!! I love the idea of not buying anything until you have used up what you have. But then you visit someones blog and then see something and then you just have to buy it!!! LOL Pascale :)

  2. Hi Lorraine:)
    Your tag is just `gorgeous` I love the soft colour pallette..
    Hope your well and enjoying your weekend my lovely:)~X~

  3. Such lovely cheery colours. Perfect for brighening up this dull time of year. It reminded me of the seaside, and summer holidays!

  4. Lorraine I love the papers you have used they remind me of those refresher sweets lol,
    thanks for your comment on my blog!......

    Emma xxx

  5. Hi Lorraine, oh wow this is gorgoeus - love the strippy paper and pretty flowers.
    Have a great weekend
    Tracie :)x

  6. Gorgeous Tag Lorraine ,fabulous colours so bright and fresh ,love it hugs Dawnxx

  7. Lorraine this tag is just gorgeous - I love the fresh colours you have used - and I'm another one trying to use up my old stash, it's suprising what we collect isn't it?

    Thanks for joining in with the challenge again this week.

  8. gorgeous tag and isn't it amazing what can be made out of scraps...wonder how long the stash ban will last...thanks for joining us this week at TYI
    Hugs Kath

  9. What a stunning tag Lorraine, I love the papers you've used, they're so pretty & vibrant!! Hope you're feeling good? Take care, Ann xx

  10. thank you for your comments on my blog, love the tag bright and chearful x x

  11. fabulous tag chickie ~ lovin that color mix and yummy! awesome!

  12. Aww what a real cheery summery tag - puts you right in the mood for getting out those travel brochures!!!
    Thanks for joining in this week Lorraine


  13. It's so cheery, bright and fun! I love it!!

  14. Lovely bright colours, and pretty flowers!

    Carol x

  15. lovely tag in beutiful colours

  16. Lovely tag - the colours and embellishments are so pretty!

  17. Gorgeous tag Lorraine, lovely candy colours and I love the glossy bits!! (Pssssst.... don't tell anyone but this would have been perfect for next week's challenge too ;o) LOL!!) Thanks so much for playing along! xx
