Sunday 4 January 2009

Surprise Card

Well folks here is the card I promised to upload for you all to see...

This was such a surprise for me as it arrived in the post yesterday from the lovely Stephanie Weightman.

I do feel honoured to have received this card as I do know that she works on a very busy schedule. Poor soul is on the go by 5.30am most mornings, hey that's about 4 hours after I've actually made it to bed.

Stephanie has many talents which started to shine at a very young age, from textiles & modelling to painting. She did infact start her first company around the age of 17 designing clothes & for those who attended the first Create & Craft Experience they will also confirm what a gorgeous model she was. One of those people who the camera takes an instant liking to. Lucky her....

Stephanie also does fabulous paintings with a great wrist technique & you never know perhaps some day she will run a workshop or two on how to paint this way & I can go along... Now that would be cool.

Well hope you all enjoyed this brief little chat.

Lorraine xxx


  1. what an honour to have a card from stephanie
    another attempt at the link
    HERE is another card

  2. Whew what a brilliant card to get!!
