Saturday 3 January 2009

How's your mojo doing ?

Well folks another new day has dawned in 2009 and how is your mojo doing this year?
I think after all the christmas cards, gift tags etc that everyone was worn out a bit & the old mojo's can only take so much.
Alas we have our saviours as always with all our lovely challenges getting up & running, providing us with much inspiration as always and working us hard from the very beginning... what else can we say, except THANK YOU to all those wonderful DT's out there who have worked over the festive season all for our benefit.
Today, after my hubby has dragged me off to the shops as he's so bored having been stuck in the house over the festive season, I will be tackling my next 4 challenges... what do we have on the list well! We have Tag You're It, Daring Cardmakers, Stamp Something & Penny Black... Oh the juices are flowing already, but as I say, I have to hold on to them until after our shopping spree..
In true timely fashion, we always have something electrical goes over the festive season and this year it was my bathroom light... both bulbs blown & when Rob tried to change the bulb, well what can I say apart from he ended up with a handfull of glass (whole may I add), but the remainder of the bulb stayed in the light unit. Hence 1st thing on the shopping list today is a new light for my bathroom... have had to venture in there in darkness the last 2 nights so it will be nice to see where I'm going tonight.
I've just had a lovely surprise card arrive in the post today but as hubby is now biting at my heels I will have to upload it later for you all to see. Oh the initials of the card designer are SW... can you guess who it is???
Back soon & happy crafting in the meantime.
Lorraine xxx

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