Wednesday 10 December 2008

Good Morning

Just popped on to say good morning to everyone & what a glorious day it is here... Yes there is lots of frost lying on the ground but currently we have a gorgeous blue sky scattered with some fluffy white clouds... I'm sure it's freezing outside but currently in my big pink housecoat so that don't matter.
Workshop was fab yesterday again & next week we are going to be working with sketches so that will be really cool for them. I must admit that they have progressed well over the last few weeks & one lady in particular has got almost all of her cards made now which is fantastic for a complete beginner...
Currently I am considering whether or not to phone the hair dresser & see if I can get in for a dry cut today. Never had a dry cut before but have no option this time... can't slouch back in the chair else I stretch my belly too much & can't bend over to have it washed as it pushes on my belly too much... Hell this whole belly op stuff creates a whole load of inconvenience... will let you know later what I decide but hey if it don't happen today it will be very soon as the old mop hasn't been cut since late July early August so I'll leave your imagination to work on that one... Must ensure I look pretty for the festive season you know, special friends coming to visit & let's not forget I must look good for Father Christmas.
Happy crafting & will be back later today with some pics...
Lorraine xxx

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