Thursday 11 December 2008


I do apologise for not getting back to you all yesterday with pics of some new cards but it turned into one of those days... had lunch then a visitor arrived, by the time she left late afternoon & I got some housework done I ended up completely shattered lying on the sofa... later last night I had to muster up the energy to do some stamping as I had 6 new Sugar Nellie stamps arrived & I was desperate to try them. Ended up on the sofa with my images & water colours watching tv.
Will try to be a better girl today & something uploaded but in the meantime I hope you are all working away hard & getting organised for crimbo.
Happy crafting
Lorraine xxx


  1. Hiya

    Hope you are feeling fine
    We have got such a storm up here it's gale force and torrential rain, my windows are shaking with the force and it just isn't letting up either...

  2. sorry I havent been over for a while Lorraine!!!but it`s always great to catch up with all your delightful creations...
    `Take Care`
    Have a lovely Tuesday:)~X~

  3. Hello Lorraine,

    Hoping you are more rested today and managing to craft.

    Just want to say... thank you for following the papergirls blog in 2008.

    I leave you with this thought.

    May your stuffing be tasty
    May your turkey be plump,

    May your potatoes and gravy
    Have never a lump.

    May your puddings be delicious
    And your pies take the prize,

    And may your Christmas dinner
    Stay off your thighs!

    Happy Christmas

    Love and best wishes for a bright and wonderful 2009

    chriss x

  4. Hi Lorraine just popped by to wish you and yours a Wonderful Christmas and every happiness for the New Year ahead :D
    Chris xx

  5. Just stopping by to wish you a great Xmas Lorraine and all the best for a happy crafting 2009!


  6. Have a lovely Christmas lorraine
