Monday 24 November 2008

Tag You're It Challenge

Well folks for this challenge I decided to try & kill 2 birds with 1 stone so to speak... I have a card making workshop to do tomorrow for complete beginners so I decided to combine this weeks tag challenge with one of my makes for the workshop, hence it is very simple... as you all know my mojo has been challenged of late so boy was I relieved when the challenge this week on Tag You're It was to work from a sketch. The layout of which I have adjusted to meet my needs...
Green, gold & white card
Papermania poinsetta
Cardology shimmer yarn
Image, snowflakes & sentiment are all black peel offs
Image coloured using Sakura glaze pens
Button from stash
Well I'm off now to push on as running behind with challenges... yesterday I had an attempt at driving my car & today I successfully drove to my local spar on my own & back, made some brunch, done the dishes, tidied the kitchen, swept my wooden floors & used my lovely electric carpet sweeper to do my living room carpet. Mums friend popped in to do my ironing (wonderful angel that she is), I've made up the last of the kits for tomorrows workshop, now blogging & want to get another card done tonight as well as have my bath & wash my hair.. Phew !!!!! Am I mistaken that I am supposed to be recovering from major surgery ???
Happy crafting all...
Lorraine xxx


  1. Beautiful tag Lorraine, I'm sure all will go well tomorrow - take care xxx

  2. FANTABBIDOSY tag for the challenge - love the image and those gorgeous ponsettias....good luck with the workshop...speak to you soon

  3. love your tag lorraine i especially love the snowman peel off hes such a fun image and the poinsetta is beautiful

    Emma xxx

  4. Gorgeous tag Lorraine.Love the traditional colours.Cute little snowman coloured beautifully.Good to hear your recovery is going well.Have fun at your workshop.

    Cass xxx

  5. A fantastic tag - especialy that lovely poinsettia flower! Thanks for joining in with the challenge this week!

  6. What a festive tag! That snowman is just fantastic!
