Saturday 22 November 2008

My Apologies

May I just say sorry for being such a bad girl yesterday & not updating my blog... I know it appeared as though I deserted you all again just as I was getting back into the swing of things but honestly I was not slacking... I was infact preparing kits for a christmas card making workshop that I have on Tuesday... thing being that what would normally take me a few hours to do is currently taking me a full day... I'll be so glad when I'm back to full operating power...
Well I'm going to try & do a bit better today so I've been on a few challenge blogs to see what I have to come up with so now I just have to find some mojo & get creating... hopefully I'll manage to get something uploaded later today.
Better stop the blogging now as I have to shower first before I can even touch the crafty goodies... Yes I know it's lunch time but I had a bit of a long lie this morning as I haven't been sleeping too well this week but only woke 3 times last night & when I was asleep boy I was dead to the world... I am still fragile you know.... any excuse but I can get away with it just now so may as well use it to my advantage...
Happy crafting to you all & will be back soon with yet another creation.
Big hugs to one & all
Lorraine xxxxx


  1. Hope you're feeling a little less fragile now Lorraine. Can't wait to see what you came up with today. Pop over to my blog because I have a little something on there for you.

  2. Lorraine no apologising!

    You deserva a long lie especially if you're not sleeping too well!
    Hope you get everything done for your classes too..

    Take care

  3. Take care Lorraine & don't expect to be able to do just so much - your body is telling you to rest Mrs!!!
    Ann xx
