Friday 28 November 2008


Well I have awoken to some glorious sunshine this morning and although I'm sure it's very cold outside it is lovely to look out at from the warmth of the house...
I was going to attempt to drive through to Edinburgh today to attend the craft show but the weather here was not great yesterday & although it's lovely at the moment this could quickly change & being as I've only been driving again for a few days, I'm not sure it would be such a good idea for me to take the chance... So what am I going to do instead....
I've still to tackle yesterdays challenge over at Rainbow Lady & then it's on to Tag You're It. After that I'll have to tackle some designs for next weeks workshop... Better not forget to have my nice big full Scottish breakfast for my lunch either as I need the calories to help bump the weight on after my operation... along with the turkish delights, caramels, crisps, hob nobs etc etc etc.
Before my op you could never have said that I had a love of food, I simply ate because I had to in order to survive... now however, well what can I say, the thought of going for more than 2 hours at a time without having some form of calorie intake is a thought too much to bare... after my op I thought that my stomach would become so small that I would temporarily have to buy some size 6 trousers but hell, I currently only have 3 pairs of combats that still fit me (they were too big on me before) as everything else is too small to get the buttons & zips done up... oh I feel a massive spending spree coming on in January to buy myself a new wardrope of size 10 trousers... Yippee !!!!!
Well I'll stop rabbiting now & get on with my work so I can get some pics downloaded later...
Hope you all have a fab day & happy crafting.
Lorraine xxx

1 comment:

  1. Hello Lorraine!!!So glad your feeling a lot better!!!
    I`m tryin to play catch up with all your gorgeous creations since my last visit!!!
    Hope your enjoying your weekend:)
    `Stay Warm`~X~
