Saturday 29 November 2008

Out & About

So sorry I never managed to get any cards uploaded yesterday, but had a few visitors which put me behind schedule so I actually only managed to get one made along with making a start on a project for next weeks workshop... as well as that hubby had actually stolen the camera for work all day so couldn't get any pics taken anyway.
Today we were out at eleven for my hubby to do a viewing then we went to a nice garden centre for lunch.. Yummyyyy.... then we went to the supermarket, my first time there in a few months. Well I made it to the second last aisle before my old body told me enough was enough so back to the car I went and as soon as we got in the door I changed into my trackie bottoms & lay in bed for a half hour to help settle me a bit... alas I have things to do like update my blog & also get my new Funky Daze onto my computer as I only ordered it yesterday & in true Anice fashion it arrived in the post today... how can all companies not operate as efficiently as Funky Hand???

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see folks giving praise...all too often you only hear about complaints....take things easy my aren't back to full strength yet.
