Saturday 30 August 2008

How lucky am I......

As you know I'm not blogging at the moment, but just had to share a delightful surprise with you all. When I opened my mail, what a surprise I had when I received this absolutely gorgeous card from my bessie buddy Kath . She already knows that I simply adore her designs & to be the recipient of such a piece is simply heart lifting. Didn't think I was due to receive another one from her until Christmas but no no no, as though she doesn't have enough on her busy schedule she took time to make this special card for me which I will treasure forever.

Thank you so so much Kath, the bestest friend that anyone could ask for. I'm truly honoured.

Lorraine xxxxxxxxxxxxx


  1. It is an absolute stunner! No wonder you're cock-a-hoop over it! :o)

    Chris xx

  2. Now you have all blushing truly are a special lady in my life and this is just to let you know I am thinking about you and wishing you well.
    Big hugs

  3. Absolutely gorgeous card.I'm not surprised your delighted.Kath makes fabulous cards and is a lovely person.Good luck and hope everything goes well.

    Cass xxx
