Wednesday 27 August 2008


Well some of you may have noticed that I've not posted over the last few days but I have infact been in hospital. Bit of a shock to the system, you know that sore stomach I had thought that I had pulled a muscle or two well turns out it was a lot more than that. I have infact been diagnosed as having a tumour so I have been allowed home until they decide what exactly is going to happen to me. Thus unfortunately I have not been crafting & probably won't be for a wee while. However, I am looking forward to it all being by with then I can hunt you all down again & see what I've been missing out on.

In the meantime you all have to craft a little more to make up for my lost time....

Happy crafting to you all & hope to be back with you soon.

Lorraine xxxxxxxx


  1. Big hugs from me my darling friend..will be thinking about you
    Lots of love

  2. Ohhh Lorraine babe xxxx
    i do hope you will be ok soon ,
    you take care of your self xxx
    sending you get well hugs Dawnxxxx

  3. I'm so sorry to hear your news Lorraine.I'm sending you lots of positive vibes and well wishes.Be strong and fight back.Thinking of you and can't wait to see you back and crafting again.

    Cass xxx

  4. Changed my mind, I'll drop you an email
    G x

  5. Sorry to hear that Lorraine! Hope you get better soon. Sending you hugs. Take care.

  6. Hi, sweetie.. I'm so sorry to hear your news. Wish there was something I could say that would make a difference, and that I had a wand that I could wave and just magic it all away for you. Just know that you'll be in my thoughts and my prayers until you tell us you're in the clear.

    I hope things all go well.

    Sending you massive snuggly hugs...

    Chris xx

  7. Sorry to hear you have a tumour - hope it turns it be non malignant - pop over to my blog if you get chance as I have an award for you babes - hugs and get well soon xx

  8. Well my love, you are the best and hope to see you back VERY soon.

  9. Lorraine,
    I am so sorry to hear your news, I will be thinking good thoughts and keep you in my prayers. IN the meantime I have left a little something for you on my blog.

  10. Oh Mrs, I sorry to hear about ur unexpected "holiday" in hospital. I hope its nothing too serious, email me if you want to talk a bit more privately. Kids start school today and tomorrow so from Monday the 1st September, I hope to be back to my normal self. Hear from you soon doll, Karen

    MASSIVE HUGS (((((((((((((()))))))

  11. Oh my goodness!!!! That was a shock reading that Lorraine; it must have been a big shock for you! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers too, but keep popping back to let us know how you're getting on. Keep your chin up and know we're all behind you out here! {{{HUG}}}

  12. Hi everyone, thank you so much for all your kind thoughts & words of encouragement. Trust me, it may slow me down for a temporary period of time but I'll be back with vigour as soon as possible... Doing well today & hope to hear from hospital soon. Will do my best to keep you updated & thank you all again. You're a wonderful lot out there in blogland...

    Big hugs & kisses to you all and happy crafting.

    Lorraine xxxxx

  13. So sorry to hear about your hospital stay - hope all goes well and you're back blogging very soon.

    Take care



  14. Hi lovey.
    My goodness, I am so sorry to hear your news, please know that my thoughts are with you. It is good to hear that you are keeping positive and you make sure you do as you are told eh! Love and virtual hugs Georgie xxxx

  15. So!!!! sorry to hear your news Lorraine...I will be thinking of you..Sending you lots of `Hugs`((((( ))))) keeping you in my thoughts Lorraine...
    Take Care...
